How do you choose the best clinic or practitioner for botox or fillers?
May 3, 2014 4:21 pm 1 CommentWe believe that the relationship between a client and practitioner is very important. It requires trust and communication as well as experience and skill.
We think there are a few essential pieces of information a client should know before proceeding with treatment.
What qualifications does your practitioner have? They should be a Doctor, Dentist or specialist prescribing Nurse.
Is there an opportunity for a free, no obligation consultation with treatment at a later date? Every client should be offered time to consider their options.
What follow up does your practitioner offer? We believe a 2 week review of each client and each treatment is the bare minimum a client should be offered. This ensures you have an optimum cosmetic result and safe follow up.
What about if you have any worries before your follow up? Every client should have a contact number that will enable them to see or speak to their practitioner in the event of any concerns.
Does your practitioner work out of a fixed premises? If not, how are you going to contact that practitioner in the event of any concerns you may have.
We had hoped the above would become a standard for all practitioners but we hear constantly about practitioners cutting corners. We provide all of the above services as part of our routine practice.
Them General Medical Council (GMC) does give guidance and has expectations of quality for doctors carrying out these procedures.—faqs

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This post was written by Robert Mayson
1 Comment
Walk In Clinic says:
I also want to choose the best clinic but I have no ideas but now, I am so enjoying to read these tips and I will follow these tips practically.