The Aesthetics Practice has moved!
The Limes Surgery, 8-14 Limes Court, Conduit Lane, Hoddesdon, EN11 8EP. Clinic Hours: 6:30pm-9pm Monday to Wednesday. Best contact method is by WhatsApp. Please leave a message including your name and number and detail of enquiry. You will be messaged back within 24 hours. If on another computer, please use the QR code below using the camera on your phone to access WhatsApp. Otherwise if more convenient email:

Directions to the clinic: SatNav Links Below
For Google maps:
For Apple Maps:
For What3words: ///stones.muddy.aura
Map and photo of car park below:

Directions: From Conduit Ln, turn into Legra Avenue. After 50m, turn right as shown on the photo above and drive into the car park. On Arrival, please text the number you were given when booking the appointment by phone or the WhatsApp chat to declare your arrival. The doctor will come and meet you as soon as possible.